Academic Subjects

Academic subjects

Each and every subject plays a key part in providing breadth and knowledge, and in developing diversity of perspective. Moreover, interdisciplinary links are made so that students learn to appreciate and construct a rich and connected tapestry of knowledge and understanding.


Guided by mother-speakers who are experts in language acquisition, this is the place to develop bilingual fluency in English. At the same time, at BCA we greatly value and recognise our multilingual context! We are proud of what all our students bring to the learning environment.


Science Technology, Engineering and Mathematics are at the core of the curriculum, and IT is well integrated. A highly practical apprach is favoured: learning by doing, in authentic, real-life contexts. A high level of knowldge and understanding is developed in each subject, and interdisciplinary links further help to develop 21st century skills.


The Arts are a critical part of any good curriculum and allow for students to express themselves in ways in which they may not always be able to in other subject areas. Strength of personality and individuality are aspects of a child's character that we believe should be developed as early as possible. Visual and Performing Arts are on the curriculum from the very start of Early Years and are taught by a specialist teacher from Year 7 onwards. Arts are also available through a wide range of extracurricular activities at lunchtime and after school.


Humanities are a key part of the curriculum in developing an appreciation and knowledge of human history, human activities and our environment. In the Early Years, an area of learning called ‘Understanding our World’ begins this process. Here in Andorra we are surrounded by a whole host of natural wonders, and environmentally and historically important locations, and not so far away are the cultural wonders of Northern Spain and Southern France. As students move up through the school, they increasingly engage in learning about global affairs, politics, economics and the business world, through study, debate and discussion.

Physical Education and Sports

The BCA Sports Programme offers students the chance to develop through sports. All students have weekly PE lessons. Through these sporting opportunities, students will have the ability to grow physically, mentally, and socially. Teamwork, dedication, goal setting, and a sense of community are the main components. Additionally, for one term a year, the curriculum includes a weekly Swimming lesson to students from Early Years to Year 9. Other sporting activities are offered to our students as a part of the After School Activity Programme.

Personal, Social and Health Education (PSHE)

Student Wellbeing is central to successful academic outcomes. A PSHE programme is delivered by the class teacher or form tutor, and it is their responsibility along with all of the other staff, and in partnership with parents, to support our students through childhood and adolescence. Our curriculum features Health and Relationships Education and Sex Education, and provides our students with the knowledge and awareness to look after themselves and others, and make good decisions.

Statement of Mission

Statement of Mission & Purpose

We firmly believe in a holistic, balanced and broad education for sustainable development which is further enhanced by our privileged learning environment. Sustainability, cultural cooperation and respectful, lasting and rewarding relationships are placed at the centre of our educational philosophy and approach. 

Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking are highly valued both inside and outside the classroom.

Our Values


At BCG, creativity is not restricted to the arts but is an integral part of learning in every subject. The creative process energises learning and develops curious, collaborative, inquisitive, and enthusiastic minds. 


Project-based and collaborative work, presentations and debate as well as dynamic, pupil-centred activities involving art, music, drama and creative writing, are highly valued and sit alongside traditional academic excellence and contribute to our diverse and balanced curriculum. 


Students are encouraged to develop a wide range of effective communication skills from an early age. Furthermore, our students are skilled linguists and appreciate the importance of language learning. 

Critical Thinking

Our students learn how to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas. They are able to engage in reflective and independent thinking in all subjects and activities.


At BCG we aim to make the classroom a rich and exciting environment where students are encouraged to use their imaginations, to participate in activities at every opportunity presented, and to explore new ideas and challenge themselves in a kind and safe place - a place where students will enjoy taking initiative and growing in confidence as they learn to be the best they can be. 

We are privileged to have a beautiful green site and our generous outdoors spaces are an integral part of our learning environment. Our students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to shape sustainable futures. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a fundamental academic thread running throughout the school.  

The Individual

We believe that each child is unique and we strive to help them discover their talents and achieve their dreams. BCG embraces and encourages individuality and believes it is an essential aspect of growing up. We celebrate every child’s enthusiasm, talent and contribution to school life, recognising that the IB Learner profile attributes help develop our students as lifelong learners and valuable members of our local and global communities. 

The Community

BCG is a family: we recognise the important role community plays in our everyday lives. By fostering a close connection between students, staff, and parents, in addition to the wider local community, values such as respect, empathy, compassion, care, and ethical self-awareness are harnessed and nurtured. Furthermore, by actively promoting collaboration between families, teachers, and leadership, shared values are developed, communicated and developed ensuring that the school remains exciting, vibrant, and relevant in today's rapidly evolving world.

The World Beyond

At BCG we extend our borders to embrace the world in which we live.  The key to lifelong learning is enabling students to extend the skills learnt in the classroom beyond its walls towards the wider school, and our local, and global communities. We actively support our students in their development as decision-makers, risk-takers, critical thinkers and problem-solving Earth stewards. 

With the aim of building bridges culturally, we encourage knowledgeable and enquiring students who engage with global affairs by developing practical skills and strategic thinking required to face 21st century challenges and opportunities, who strive for principled and open-minded perspectives, and who appreciate their own culture and that of others, and in doing so grow from their experience.

School Policies

School Policies

Our Campus

Our Campus

The British College of Andorra occupies a spacious and impressive rural site, located on a wooded hillside with stunning mountain views on all sides, and a UNESCO World Heritage landscape on the doorstep. The buildings include the Alberg de la Comella, which has been provided by the Comú of Andorra la Vella, as well as additional purpose-built classroom blocks and a Sports Hall. All are of very high quality, faced with attractive local slate stone and are spaced out comfortably, separated by grassed areas and paths. Classrooms are equipped with the latest technology and modern teaching equipment creating effective teaching and learning environments, and we have ample sports facilities. We are just a 10 minute drive from Andorra la Vella. The route up to the school has been part of the schedule for world-famous cycling events. If you want to try it yourself, find the details here!

Browse through the galleries below to get to virtually know the school and its activities.

Covid Information

Covid Information

Important Covid Information

COVID-19 preparations

We wanted to stress here the excellent position we find ourselves in; we have numerous new classrooms of generous size, allowing for large spacing between desks, we have large open outdoor spaces that will be used for lessons whenever possible. Our environment is ideally suited for dealing with this difficult situation in a flexible and safe way.

COVID-19 Committee

We have formed a committee of key staff to manage the schools continued response to COVID-19. The committee comprises: SLT (Principal and Heads of each section), members of the Administration staff, our Kitchen and cleaning Coordinator and a professional healthcare worker that will support and advise us.

Changes to the Timetable

We have made changes to the timetable for Upper Primary and Secondary:

● Lessons are now 45 minutes long.

● There are 8 lessons every day.


We have completely revised the Extra Curricular Activities Programme (ECAP) and we offer a Bubble Club service from 16:30 to 17:30.

Trips and Visits

● There will be no external trips running for the moment. We will review the situation as the year goes on.

● There will be limited trips in the local area depending on the situation. Precautions will be taken at all times and we may decide to stop a visit from happening if we feel there is a risk.

COVID-19 Protocols

Our key aim remains that everything we do is safe, well thought through, carefully managed and adheres to current Government guidance.

In accordance with Government guidance, parents will not be allowed to enter inside the school for any reason. Children should come to school in the morning, brought by one adult, and members of the staff will greet them at the school gates.

Students will be asked for the Declaration of Authority signed by the parents for the first day of school and the first day after Christmas holidays.

Families must monitor their children’s health on a daily basis by taking their temperature before coming to school. If your son/daughter has a temperature or any other symptoms (ie dry cough, loss of taste and smell etc) of COVID-19, please ensure they don’t come to school.

General Protocols

Protective Measures

● No-one in school with any symptoms of covid-19

● All staff will be tested before returning to work for the new term

● No parents or visitors in school without prior appointment

● Sanitising hands and shoes on entry to school

● Frequent hand washing throughout the day

● Good respiratory hygiene practices: “catch it, bin it, kill it”

● Regular cleaning of the School, throughout the day as well as in the evening

● Outdoor learning as much as possible and well-ventilated rooms throughout the day

● Parents and children to wait at a safe distance from other families whilst waiting for collection or drop off

● Children must not bring any toys or games to school.

● Please ensure long hair is tied back to avoid unnecessary touching of the face.

Group Sizes

● There is no current government recommendation regarding class size, however we will always keep group sizes as low as we can. We have many large spaces both indoors and outdoors, which allows students to remain separated.


● All staff will be wearing masks.

● Children under 6 years old are not required to wear masks.

● Of course, children under 6 may wear masks if they wish to.

● Upper Primary and Secondary students must wear masks when moving around the school, between lessons and outdoors.


● Each phase will be allocated different toilets. The toilets will be cleaned regularly throughout the day. Students will be told to wash their hands before and after using the toilet.

● Hand sanitiser will be located at each entrance of the school, in the classrooms, toilets and dining room.


● All students should come in their complete uniform and the day they have PE they should come with the sports uniform from home.

● All students will be expected to be dressed smartly according to the guidelines.

Playground and buildings:

● Each year group will be allocated a differentiated space. EYFS, Primary and Secondary will only use their respective buildings and playground areas. Games and physical activities may be performed individually or in small groups to ensure physical distancing measures.

Dining room and snacks:

● All students will receive a snack at break time. This will be given to them outdoors. Students must not bring their own snacks to school but should bring a water bottle. Water drinking fountains will only be used to refill bottles.

● There will be a dining service (lunches) following the government regulations. Our new dining room has been adapted to follow the social distance guidelines and turns will be allocated so each class sits together in designated places, always supervised by our staff.

School bus

● There will be normal bus service. All students using the bus must wear a mask until arrival.

Temperature checks

● BCG staff will take the temperature of any child who feels unwell and remove the child from their class group if they have a high temperature. They will then wait safely in isolation until they are collected from school by a parent and taken home.

Testing our staff

● Staff (Kitchen staff included) will be tested in the school before the start of the school year and after Christmas holidays.



The British College of Andorra has been inspected and meets the established standards.
Conveni entre la societat British College Overseas, SL, el Ministeri d'Educació i Ensenyament Superior

The British College of Andorra está autorizado por lel Ministeri d'Educació i Ensenyament Superior

Certificado de acreditación

 (April 2018)

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International Baccalaureate World School

The British College of Andorra is authorized by the International Baccalaureate Organization (IB) to offer the Diploma Programme. Our unique school code is 062176.

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 (May 2023)

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British Council

The British College of Andorra has been inspected by the National Association of British Schools in Spain (NABSS) which recommended full authorisation to operate. The British Council, upon receipt of this inspection certificate, issued a letter of accreditation to the Andorran Government authorities, who then authorise the school.

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BC 2023/41 (18 Abril 2023)

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BC 2021/59 (June 2021)

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The British College of Andorra has been inspected by the National Association of British Schools in Spain (NABSS)

Inspection Report - Year 10 to Year 13 

N/A (18th April 2023)

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Inspection Report - Year 3 to Year 11 

DOGC 7323/17 (4th June 2021)

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The British College of Andorra has been granted recognition to conduct International GCSE and GCSE examinations with Pearson Edexcel. Our unique centre number is 95193.

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Centre Number 95193 (March 2022)

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Ski Programme

The BCA ski programme runs through January, February and March each year. We have lots of fun and learning in the fresh air and winter mountains.

As well as being a part of the culture of Andorra and our mountainous environment, skiing brings great benefits to students for:

Physical fitness, coordination
and stamina

Social and emotional

Appreciation and understanding
of the natural environment

Each class takes part in skiing, one day a week, during these months. The ski lessons are provided by the qualified and approved instructors. Bon esquí!

The programme aligns with the obligatory requirements for all schools in Andorra, as described here (in Catalan):