
BCA provides a vibrant, caring and nurturing environment to develop our students into engaged learners, empathetic citizens and ethical advocates. We provide a student-centred and values-driven education which cultivates the joy of learning, builds character, instills values and encourages entrepreneurial spirit.

Students who join us from our Primary School or from other schools can expect to have a challenging, fun, safe and creative experience. We pride ourselves on high expectations for our students and our staff and make sure we help each individual grow throughout their time at BCA.

Secondary is made up of seven year groups, arranged into the final three stages of the British system:

Year Group Key Stage US/international equivalent Age at beginning of school year Curriculum follows:
Year 7 KEY STAGE 3 Middle School 10/11 English National Curriculum
Year 8 11/12
Year 9 12/13
Year 10 KEY STAGE 4 High School 13/14 International General Certificate of Secondary Education (IGCSE) courses
Year 11 14/15  
Year 12 SIXTH FORM 15/16 International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme
Year 13 16/17  

In the Secondary School, students move onto a secondary style timetable, still following the English National Curriculum, but now having specialist subject teachers. All learning is aligned with the BCA approach to High Quality Learning, preparing students thoroughly for their IGCSE examinations at the end of Year 11.

Once your child has finished Year 11 at The British College of Andorra, it will be time for them to start the prestigious International Baccalaureate Diploma Programme through Years 12 and 13. This programme is recognised throughout the world and reinforces our students’ becoming global citizens, with the skills to study at world renowned universities.

All our teachers are fully qualified experts in their subjects with a strongly developed pedagogy aligned with our definition of High Quality Learning. In addition to their dedicated teaching, teachers also work with students to support them with the next steps in their academic journey.

The qualifications we offer at BCA are recognised around the world, but we want our students to leave the school with much more than just exam qualifications. Complementing and supporting this, at BCA we value the following learner attributes:

communication skills


appreciation of diversity

ability to solve problems

sense of responsibility

commitment to sustainability





team-working skills



A large part of becoming a global citizen is developing a wide range of languages and developing the ability to communicate effectively with people from all backgrounds and cultures. Our students study English, Spanish, Catalan and French. These language lessons are fully differentiated to enable our students to fully engage in the course, reaching their full potential, no matter their starting point or mother tongue.

Careers Education and Higher Education preparation

In Years 10 and 11, in tutor time, PSHE and assemblies, students investigate the world of work, identifying personal interests, preferences, motivations, abilities, and talents that influence career choice and success.

Unifrog is an exceptionally useful online platform which all of our Secondary students have access to. Here they can learn how to research different careers and university courses around the world. In Years 12 and 13, applying to university and other educational programmes is an exciting experience that gives students the chance to further examine who they are, what they value, and what direction they would like to take.

The Unifrog platform also guides students through the university application process and writing of personal statements etc. All students have a personal tutor and we have specialist knowledge of entrance to UK, US and Spanish universities as well as many others around the world. We understand our students could want to apply anywhere and we are committed to fully supporting them throughout the process.


The Primary School is an exciting hub of energy, creativity and innovation, preparing children for life-long learning. As such, great emphasis is placed on nurturing an intrinsic motivation to succeed and developing the many personal skills that will ensure success in life.

Primary is made up of six year groups, arranged into two ‘Key Stages’ of the English National Curriculum:.

Year Group Key Stage Age at beginning of school year;
Year 1 Key Stage 1 4/5
Year 2 5/6
Year 3 6/7
Year 4 Key Stage 2 7/8
Year 5 8/9
Year 6 9/10

As the children leave EYFS we ensure a smooth transition by continuing with elements of the EYFS pedagogy to ensure that passion and creativity for learning remains. With the confidence and independence gained in Early Years, children are well equipped to build upon their skills and understanding in order to access the broad and challenging Key Stage 1 and 2 curriculum.

English is the language of instruction. An accomplished level of English is imperative for future success in the school and every effort is made to equip the students with refined skills in the areas of speaking, listening, reading and writing. All learning is aligned with the BCA approach to High Quality Learning, centered on a class topic allowing interdisciplinary learning to take place. The English National Curriculum is followed, adapted to, and celebrating, our local and international context. Specialist subjects taught are PE, Spanish, French and Catalan.

As confidence continues to grow and children become more open minded, reflective and well balanced, there are various opportunities for extra curricular activities and performances such as class assemblies, storytelling, poem recitals and end of year shows. Success is shared and celebrated.

Pastoral care is of utmost importance to us. It is simple: children who feel safe, secure and valued will have the confidence to take risks in their learning and learn to the best of their abilities. A large part of Primary PSHE lessons is in the form of daily circle time sessions to discuss feelings, emotions and relationships to empower children to make good choices and build respectful relationships with their peers.


Our EYFS team follows four principles which underpin the care, development and learning of young children.


Children embrace learning and development in different ways and at different rates.

Personal skills

Every child is a unique child who is constantly learning and can be resilient, capable, confident and self-assured.

Interpersonal skills

Children learn to be strong and independent through positive relationships.

Parent-Teacher Collaboration

Children learn and develop well in an enabling environment in which their experiences correspond to their individual needs, and where there is a strong partnership between practitioners and parents

The Early Years Foundation Stage curriculum is a broad and exciting framework that comprises seven main Areas of Learning.
These are:

• Communication and Language

• Physical development

• Personal, social and emotional development

• Literacy

• Mathematics

• Understanding the world

• Expressive arts and design

All learning is aligned with the BCA approach to High Quality Learning and the research-informed characteristics of effective teaching and learning in the EYFS:

• playing and exploring - children investigate and experience things, and ‘have a go’

• active learning - children concentrate and keep on trying if they encounter difficulties, and enjoy achievements

• creating and thinking critically - children have and develop their own ideas, make links between ideas, and develop strategies for doing things

Teachers observe this play carefully to enhance the learning whenever we spot a ‘teachable’ moment. From an untrained eye, it would appear that children spend all day playing! Yes, they do! Play is the fundamental process for children to learn. We take a child's natural curiosity to explore, couple this with a teacher's solid understanding of early child development, add the right amount of challenge and thought-provoking questions, and the level of play and learning is deepened.

After Reception, students then proceed into Year 1 of Primary. English is the language of instruction, but learning in an international EYFS setting is typically multilingual, using the students' home language (L1) as the foundation for further cognitive development. Our staff constantly reflect and review the teaching curriculum and environment, ensuring that it is purposeful, inviting and provides a balance of adult-led and child-initiated learning. The children are active, autonomous and free to follow their own interests using both the indoor classroom and outside learning area.

A culture of thinking

A culture of thinking

A Culture of Thinking

The academic culture at BCA is extremely important to us. Our students are purposeful and have a sense of pride in their studies. They learn to understand that the way in which they approach their education and the mindset they bring with them each morning is crucial to their enjoyment as well as their academic success. We want our students to be active learners. We want them to challenge and discuss, question and debate but always in a respectful manner and with humility. Naturally, we also expect our staff to model this mindset and approach to their own work and professional learning.

This culture of thinking has as its foundation our Guiding Statements

Early years




academic subjects

Each and every subject plays a key part in providing breadth and knowledge, and in developing diversity of perspective. Moreover, interdisciplinary links are made so that students learn to appreciate and construct a rich and connected tapestry of knowledge and understanding.

Escola Amiga d’ UNICEF

After a preliminary two year period of informal collaboration and successful fund-raising and community activities, BCA has signed an agreement with UNICEF Andorra and is now recognised as an ‘Escola Amiga UNICEF’.

The following agreed actions will strengthen the children's education for sustainable development, and will result in meaningful and sustained change, at both the local and global level.

✓ Incorporation of knowledge and the defence of children's rights into the College's strategic plan and written curriculum (year, unit and lesson plans), as set out in the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (UNCRC) 1989.

✓ Celebration of Universal Children's Day (November 20).

✓ The use, at the school's discretion, of UNICEF educational materials.

✓ Promotion of fundraising activities to support the international cooperation programs that UNICEF develops.

For every child, every right

Escola Verda ('Eco-School')

After a two-year preparatory period, BCA has been recognised as an Escola Verda, a programme promoted by the agency Andorra Sostenible.

The following agreed actions will strengthen education for sustainable development, and will result in meaningful and sustained change, at both the local and global level.

✓ Form a student-led Eco Committee

✓ Carry out a Sustainability Audit to investigate the environmental and social issues in the school/community.

✓ Create an Action Plan to resolve or improve those problems. 

✓ Monitor and Evaluate

✓ Integrating the programme into the curriculum 

✓ Inform and Involve, for example through Global Action Days

✓ Produce an Eco Code, i.e. a statement that represents the school's commitment to sustainability

Engaging the youth of today to protect the planet of tomorrow.

BCA supports the Plant for the Planet project. Find out more here:

and donate here:


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playing fields

early years



I am delighted to welcome you to the British College of Andorra.  

You can read elsewhere on this website about our Mission, the way that we define High Quality Learning, and the philosophy of discovery that underlies our students’ learning experience. As such, BCA is a happy, vibrant and forward thinking school. Our campus is beautiful, and the mountain setting makes this an amazing place to work and study, for both students and staff.

Our programmes of study follow the English National Curriculum, and our students are taught by inspiring and well-qualified teachers, all with knowledge and experience of British education, the majority being UK-educated and trained, or having a strong track record of international education with English as the language of instruction. In addition, our students have Catalan, Spanish and French, which is taught by specialist teachers. Thus we provide a high quality, engaging British education that is sensitive to and inclusive of our local and global context. Finally, as must all schools in Andorra, we offer a skiing programme through the winter months, with all students enjoying a once-a-week ski day for physical and social development. My own teaching career began with the Outward Bound organization, and during a career in British and international schools, my philosophy has remained strongly influenced by the ideas of educators such as Kurt Hahn.

We are inspected by the NABSS agency on behalf of the British Council. We are proud to be an International Baccalaureate World School, and recognise the responsibilities this places upon us to deliver authentic, enquiry-based education of the highest quality.

We look forward to making you feel welcome when you come to visit the British College of Andorra, where we celebrate the uniqueness of every student on their educational journey.

Harry Lock

Welcome to The British College of Andorra. 

In this school we want everyone to feel very comfortable and happy. We are very proud of our school values and how each of our students and staff puts them into practice every day. It is great to see that people from all around the world have joined this school, are sharing their cultures between others, and are having a great time together.
Every student in the school, from Nursery to Diploma Programme, is assigned to one of four houses, each named after a famous natural feature of Andorra: we have Juclar (a lake), Coma Pedrosa (a mountain), Incles (a valley) and Valira (a river). 

The purpose of the House system is to promote a sense of community, belonging and school spirit. This is achieved through activities which encourage teamwork, leadership, courage, communication, compassion and inventiveness. Competition between houses is less important than the participation and collaboration they encourage. There is an events calendar for the year. 

We have two house captains for each house in primary, and the same goes for secondary. House captains are also members of the House Council which is the elected body (combined vote from students and teachers) representing students. The Council meets regularly with the school leadership, as a group of sixteen students, to suggest areas of school improvement and work together to achieve them. The Council has five areas of work:

  • Wellbeing
  • Environment & School Facilities
  • Academics- the learning experience.
  • Events
  • Charities & Service Learning

“Every child has a right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously” Article 12, UNCRC.

BCA House Council, January 2025




Communication is central to our story of student success, and to keeping our community informed and connected. Below are some key methods by which communication supports the learning experience.

BCA House Council

The House Council is the elected body (combined vote from students and teachers) representing students. The Council meets regularly with the school leadership, as a group of sixteen students, to suggest areas of school improvement and work together to achieve them. The Council has five areas of work:

  • Wellbeing
  • Environment & School FacilitiesAcademics- the learning experience.
  • Events
  • Charities & Service Learning

“Every child has a right to express their views, feelings and wishes in all matters affecting them, and to have their views considered and taken seriously” Article 12, UNCRC.


Please click on each newsletter to read the full version. In our newsletters, we share information about activities our students have participated in and general information about BCA, such as future developments.

Parent Representatives

Parent representatives, one per class, meet regularly with the school leadership for the following purposes:

  • To strengthen the partnership between parents and staff To support the children’s learning
  • To facilitate parental understanding of the curriculum of the school
  • To share and celebrate the successes of our community
  • To provide clarification over any issues in order to avoid confusion
  • To involve parents in the decision-making process for various improvements and changes within the school
  • To act as a forum for feedback and a voice for suggestions
  • To help make links with the wider community;
  • To capture the unique and varied skills, interests, knowledge and experience that parents can offer.

Class representatives ensure open, inclusive and regular communication with the parents whom they represent. In addition, the school leadership or class teacher may reach out to the representative for support at any time, and to keep them informed.

Useful Information

school meals and menus

Lunch for every student at BCA is freshly cooked on site every day. Our school menus are designed to meet nutritional recommendations and the principles of the Mediterranean diet.

A morning snack is also provided for our students.

We adapt our menus to any health requirement, allergies or intolerances, or specific food needs.

bus routes

BCA offers a daily transport service to and from the school which is organised around the needs of families requesting the service. Modern buses are used and comply with safety rules concerning the transportation of children, and the route is supervised by a BCA-employed monitor in order to guarantee the students are well-looked after.

school uniform

All students from Nursery to Year 11 are required to wear a uniform. There are separate uniforms for daily wear and physical education. Years 12 and 13 will have no uniform but will need to follow a dress code. Uniforms may be bought from Betes i fils in Sant Julià de Lòria.

After School Activities

An extensive program of after school activities are planned every term to truly enrich and extend the curriculum for every student.

Activities range from sports to board games, cooking to additional language lessons, and offer a fantastic opportunity to experience new things whilst encouraging them to mix with other students around the school and work with different coaches and teachers.



We can help every step of the way

Whether you are looking to join us from a local school or abroad, transition can always be challenging. However, we have support and expertise on hand to help you every step of the way.

We will be happy to help you by arranging for you to visit the school, either at one of our 'Open House' events or for a personal tour during the school week.

We look forward to hearing from you and guiding you through our application process.

Entry Requirements

We will request reports from previous schools. Pupils will also be interviewed by senior members of staff. The admission of a pupil is conditional upon our terms and conditions.

Admissions Process

The first step of the application process is to enquire online or to contact the admissions department.

The British College of Andorra is an international school and as such is open for admissions the whole year round, subject to places being available in the requested year group.. We are always delighted to meet with parents and show them around the school.


Applications are processed according to space availability. We always encourage parents to apply as we accept applications throughout the year.

9.00 am to 16.15 pm for Primary, and 16.30 for Secondary.

250. We will open Year 13 (‘Sixth Form’) in September 2024

Our target class size is 20 students per class and one class per year group. Classrooms are sized and equipped correspondingly. Some classes are smaller, and from Year 10 onwards, students are increasingly split into smaller ‘option’ groups.

80% are from Andorra or Spain, and 20% from other nations worldwide.

The UK Early Years Framework, followed by the English National Curriculum. For Years 12 and 13, we offer the IB Diploma Programme. Please see our Curriculum and Subjects pages for more information.

The courses studied at BCA allow students to change to any other public or private school in Andorra, Spain and the United Kingdom. BCA has signed an agreement with the Government of the Principality for the recognition of their studies.

The great majority of academic staff teaching the English National Curriculum are qualified British teachers. All are fluent in academic English with strong experience of British education. Those teaching Spanish, Catalan and French languages are qualified teachers in the respective languages.

We take children with no English between the ages of 3 and 4 years. There are a limited number of places for non-English speaking Primary pupils between the ages of 6 and 9 of proven academic ability. From the age of 10, new pupils must have a high level of English to enter the school. This can be assessed by a short test/trial day at the school, during the admissions process.

On the whole most of our students speak Spanish in the playground. Because of this, we find that new children joining the school with little or no knowledge of the language learn it very quickly.

All students at BCA study Catalan. Spanish is compulsory up to the end of Year 9. Non-Spanish/Catalan speakers receive specific lessons as a foreign language. Additional French and Spanish tuition can be provided through the After School Activities programme.

French. From the Early Years to Year 9, all our students learn French, after which it becomes an optional subject.

Yes, Information about summer school is usually published around February-March.

BCA is able to offer a wide range of sporting activities

This depends on the age of the student. As a general rule, in Early Years children will start to bring home reading and number homework during Reception.

In Lower Primary children will be expected to read regularly at home (English and Spanish), they will have weekly spelling words to learn and will be set some basic maths homework, much of the homework will be set using online resources.

In Upper Primary pupils are expected to read regularly (English and Spanish), they will have weekly spelling words to learn and will be set maths and Spanish homework. Much of the homework is linked to the English National Curriculum, and will be set using online resources. On occasion children will also be set project homework linked to the topics being studied.

In Secondary, students are set purposeful, relevant homework tasks on a regular basis. In Years 7-9 pupils should expect to be doing no more than ½ hour – 1 hour of homework a night. In Years 10 and 11 the amount of homework would increase to 1 – 1-½ hours.

In Years 12 and 13 students must take much more responsibility for their own learning and should expect, as a minimum, to be studying 6 to 8 hours a week per subject. If homework is not set they should use the time to review past content or read around their subject.

Year 11 take IGCSE examinations. We are a candidate school for the IB Diploma, with examinations at the end of Year 13. All students are regularly assessed and their progress tracked.

Students at BCA are used to welcoming newcomers and are always very friendly and helpful. Year Group tutors make sure that “buddies” are always on hand to support new students.

All students from Nursery to Year 11 are required to wear a uniform. There are separate uniforms for daily wear and physical education. Years 12 and 13 have no uniform but need to follow a dress code. Uniforms may be bought from Betes i fils in Sant Julià de Lòria.

A wide variety of afterschool activities and clubs are on offer for Primary and Secondary students.

Wider Curriculum

wider curriculum

The Duke of Edinburgh's International Award

Is designed to challenge young people between the ages of 14-24 to attain standards of achievement and endeavour in a wide variety of active interests – to serve their communities, experience adventure and to develop and learn outside the classroom. The award runs four sections: Volunteering, Skills, Physical, and Adventurous Journey. During Volunteering, students give their time to help in their community through activities such as litter picking, teaching a language, or working in a home for senior citizens. In Skills, they will progress in a particular interest such as crafts, cooking, or gardening. Within Physical, they will develop in a physical activity such as a sport of interest, hill walking or any strenuous activity. Finally, in their Adventurous Journey, students will display their skills in an overnight stay where they will be assessed on their navigation, cooking and tent building. 

There are 3 levels to the Duke of Edinburgh's International Award: Bronze, Silver and Gold. As students move through each of the levels, they will enter their progress in an online record book. The Award is not only a great way to develop skills and confidence while having fun, but it is also a prestigious award which can give university applications a boost. Get involved and explore your surroundings!

After School Activities

An extensive program of after school activities are planned every term to truly enrich and extend the curriculum for every student.

Activities range from sports to board games, cooking to additional language lessons, and offer a fantastic opportunity to experience new things whilst encouraging them to mix with other students around the school and work with different coaches and teachers. .


Our Sports programme and PE lessons form a curriculum subject. We are extremely proud about our outstanding facilities which include an all weather football pitch and a multipurpose sports hall. With these new facilities, we will now develop a fixtures programme with other schools.

Secondary Clubs

The Secondary Clubs programme is designed to give students the opportunity to participate in a wider variety of activities that will stretch and extend them in different ways and give more opportunities for students to express their interests. It is also a route to develop student leadership, with roles developing in certain clubs and we encourage student-led clubs as well. Clubs allows students to mix year groups as well so helps to build the school community. BCA is also very pleased that in the first year of the clubs programme we have had 2 local and 1 international trips as well as students leading assemblies. We also want the clubs programme to lead the improvement and development of the school with sports teams and other initiatives that are longer-term developments.


At BCA, we encourage our students to interact with their environment and explore the world from an early age. Our trips and excursions are linked to the curriculum topics, enhancing learning through first-hand experience. Trips are an exciting, involving, and valuable experience for all our students, both academically and socially.

EYFS and Primary

Short local trips provide new experiences including outdoor learning in the forest, visiting museums, and exploring the local area. For upper primary students we will introduce trips further afield to encourage independence and bring students closer to their peers.

Secondary School

Trips are an important part of school life.There are a variety of opportunities for short and extended trips. Some trips are part of the required curriculum (such as Geography fieldwork) whilst other trips may be optional but highly encouraged.

An annual residential trip for each Year Group gives all students the opportunity to take part in outdoor activities, build a sense of unity within the year group and encourage social development.

Guiding Statements

Guiding Statements


The British College of Andorra provides opportunities for all our students to achieve academic, artistic and sporting excellence, lasting physical, spiritual and mental health, and to be inspired to accomplish personal and professional success.

High Quality Learning

Is encouraged within authentic contexts

Being meaningful and linked to real-world issues and events, and recognizing the power and relevance of an interdisciplinary approach.

Is constructivist, and inquiry-based

Involving an active process in which students construct meaning by linking new ideas with prior knowledge. Inquiry may involve play, projects, questioning, discussion or investigation, and involves problem-solving and critical thinking.

Is cyclical and progressive

Involving phases of action, feedback and reflection.

Is both individualized and collaborative

Recognising and including each student as a unique learner, and developing their interests, skills and potential. Differentiating and providing support as needed. Recognising that collaborative learning and co-construction of knowledge in groups or teams is as valuable as individual endeavour.

Fosters student agency

Providing opportunities for student self-determination and leadership, for example in influencing and making decisions affecting their own learning. In this way, learning thrives on a positive student-teacher relationship, and promotes wellbeing.

Promotes intercultural understanding

Recognising the school’s rich local context and culture, the importance of the British curriculum, values and culture, and the wider international context of students, as young global citizens.

We value..

We value and seek to develop the following attributes and outcomes for our students:

communication skills


appreciation of diversity

ability to solve problems

sense of responsibility

commitment to sustainability





team-working skills



Inspired by the BCA Values v.1 (2018-2021), results of BCA Community Survey 2022, the IB Learner Profile, and the Round Square Discovery Framework

Message from the Principal
Our campus