Terms & Conditions

Terms & Conditions


  1. Parents/Guardians can apply for a place at the School by completing the on line Application Form and pre-enrolment form.
  2. No student will be admitted until Parents/Guardians have fulfilled the requirements listed below.
  3. Prior to admission, Parents/Guardians must present the following documents:
    Official medical certificate and photocopy of the vaccination booklet.
    Copies of any behavioural/psychological reports, if appropriate. Refusal to share any reports held, prior to admission, may result in the termination of a place that has already been offered.
    School report from the student’s current school.
    Copies of the identity documents of the Parents/Guardians.
    BCA forms:
    Medication Policy 
    Photo authorization 
    Bank Form
    Term and Conditions acceptance

  4. In order to obtain a place at the School, Parents/Guardians must pay the admission fee and the registration fee indicated in the price list.
  5. The School has the right not to offer a place to a student and does not need to give a reason for this decision.


  1. All invoices must be paid via direct debit, signing the authorization form provided by the School. Bills will be presented to individual bank accounts at the beginning of each month. Any change on bank details must be announced 20 days in advance in order to avoid bank rejections. In case of a bank rejection, 15€ will be charged extra.
  2. Parents and guardians have the duty to pay, on time, the corresponding educational fees and other academic expenses. Failure to pay two or more bills will result in the suspension of the contract and the student will not be able to enter the school until the situation is resolved.
  3. The School may retain the student’s academic record until the debt generated by the student’s schooling is paid in full.
  4. No amount will be reimbursed for the absence of a student, whether due to illness or any other cause.
  5. Any withdrawal of a student from the school must be notified to bajas@bcandorra.com at least three months in advance. If this notice is not given, the interested party must pay the three subsequent months, from the day the notification is received by the school.
  6. Confirmation of a place for the following academic year (course) must be made during the month of March annually. Confirmation of enrolment must be made within the established deadlines. The College reserves the right to cancel an enrolment or free places in the College for the following school year if we don’t receive the confirmation on time. If there is ANY payment pending, the re-enrolment will not be accepted. The final decision about re-enrolment is at the discretion of the School.
  7. Admission and matriculation fees will not be returned under any circumstance.
  8. In the event that all or part of the school is closed temporarily or permanently due to pandemic, terrorism or for any other reason, the school will not be liable to refund any fees. 
  9. The tuition fee does NOT include any external examinations or homologation fees. These must be paid in advance according to the indications the school will provide.
  10. All school material is included in the school fees. Exceptions are voluntary reading books and individual electronic devices that the student must use in the classroom, which will be her/his property and therefore, at her/his expense.


  1. Parents agree to support the internal regulations of the School concerning general discipline, uniform and homework set for children.
  2. The Parents/Guardians of the student must accept BCA Terms and Conditions which are published on the website.
  3. The School uniform must be worn in accordance with the School’s Uniform Policy. All uniforms must be marked with the student’s full name.
  4. Parents agree to inform the School immediately of any change of address or telephone number.
  5. The School reserves the right to exclude temporarily or permanently pupils whose behaviour merits this in the view of the Principal.
  6. The School requires written permission from the parents of EYFS and Primary students, if a different person unknown to the School, will collect the child from the School or bus stop.
  7. The School cannot be held responsible for the supervision of pupils left on the School premises more than 15 minutes before or after normal school hours, unless they are attending an official extra-curricular activity or additional class or are enrolled for special supervised groups.
  8. The School has an insurance, which covers accidents that may occur to pupils at school or during any School activity. Any claim must be made as soon as practicable. In case of serious accident, children will be taken to a medical centre for first aid. The insurance policy does not cover loss of personal property.
  9. School lunches are compulsory for all pupils. Packed lunches are not permitted.
  10. If you exceptionally need to pick up your child during school hours, you must notify admin@bcandorra.com 



The British College of Andorra

Ctra. de la Comella i de la Plana, S/N,
AD500 Andorra la Vella,Andorra

(+376) 720 220

Early Years

Early Years Foundation Stage

The EYFS curriculum is a broad and exciting framework that comprises seven main Areas of Learning. These are:

• Personal, social and emotional development (PSED)
• Communication and Language (CL)
• Physical development (PD)
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world (UTW)
• Expressive arts and design (EAD)

All learning is play-based and teachers observe this play carefully to enhance the learning whenever we spot a ‘teachable’ moment. From an untrained eye, it would appear that children spend all day playing! Yes, they do! Play is the fundamental process for children to learn. We take a child's natural curiosity to explore, couple this with a teacher's solid understanding of early child development, add the right amount of challenge and thought provoking questions and level of play and learning is deepened.

An example would be a child choosing to push a car down a slope. The teacher observing this may provide a range of ramps, of different surfaces and simply pose the question, ‘I wonder what will happen if you use these?’ Our staff constantly reflect and review the teaching curriculum and environment, ensuring that it is purposeful, inviting and provides a balance of adult-led and child-initiated learning.

Our stimulating environment, including a multisensory outdoor garden and green forest school area, enables the children to spend a large part of their day in the fresh air. The children are active, autonomous and free to follow their own interests using both the indoor classroom and outside learning area.

Each class has a dedicated day in the Forest School within our school grounds. From writing names using sticks and rocks, to planning and building a bug house whilst being taught to use real life tools, these sessions are fast becoming the highlight of the week. No session is complete without stories and hot chocolate amongst the trees. There is simply no better place to learn!

Bus Routes

Bus Routes

The British College of Gavá operates one daily bus route from the West (Sitges).  The bus routes are organised around the needs of families soliciting the service.  

The services of a professional bus company, with many years of school transportation, are relied upon.  Buses used are modern and comply with safety rules concerning the transportation of children.  Each route is supervised by a BCG employed monitor in order to guarantee students are well-looked after; the school does not outsource appointment of monitors to the bus company.