Statement of Mission & Purpose

We firmly believe in a holistic, balanced and broad education for sustainable development which is further enhanced by our privileged learning environment. Sustainability, cultural cooperation and respectful, lasting and rewarding relationships are placed at the centre of our educational philosophy and approach. 

Creativity, Collaboration, Communication, and Critical Thinking are highly valued both inside and outside the classroom.

Our Values


At BCG, creativity is not restricted to the arts but is an integral part of learning in every subject. The creative process energises learning and develops curious, collaborative, inquisitive, and enthusiastic minds. 


Project-based and collaborative work, presentations and debate as well as dynamic, pupil-centred activities involving art, music, drama and creative writing, are highly valued and sit alongside traditional academic excellence and contribute to our diverse and balanced curriculum. 


Students are encouraged to develop a wide range of effective communication skills from an early age. Furthermore, our students are skilled linguists and appreciate the importance of language learning. 

Critical Thinking

Our students learn how to think clearly and rationally, understanding the logical connection between ideas. They are able to engage in reflective and independent thinking in all subjects and activities.


At BCG we aim to make the classroom a rich and exciting environment where students are encouraged to use their imaginations, to participate in activities at every opportunity presented, and to explore new ideas and challenge themselves in a kind and safe place - a place where students will enjoy taking initiative and growing in confidence as they learn to be the best they can be. 

We are privileged to have a beautiful green site and our generous outdoors spaces are an integral part of our learning environment. Our students acquire the knowledge, skills and attitude necessary to shape sustainable futures. Education for Sustainable Development (ESD) is a fundamental academic thread running throughout the school.  

The Individual

We believe that each child is unique and we strive to help them discover their talents and achieve their dreams. BCG embraces and encourages individuality and believes it is an essential aspect of growing up. We celebrate every child’s enthusiasm, talent and contribution to school life, recognising that the IB Learner profile attributes help develop our students as lifelong learners and valuable members of our local and global communities. 

The Community

BCG is a family: we recognise the important role community plays in our everyday lives. By fostering a close connection between students, staff, and parents, in addition to the wider local community, values such as respect, empathy, compassion, care, and ethical self-awareness are harnessed and nurtured. Furthermore, by actively promoting collaboration between families, teachers, and leadership, shared values are developed, communicated and developed ensuring that the school remains exciting, vibrant, and relevant in today's rapidly evolving world.

The World Beyond

At BCG we extend our borders to embrace the world in which we live.  The key to lifelong learning is enabling students to extend the skills learnt in the classroom beyond its walls towards the wider school, and our local, and global communities. We actively support our students in their development as decision-makers, risk-takers, critical thinkers and problem-solving Earth stewards. 

With the aim of building bridges culturally, we encourage knowledgeable and enquiring students who engage with global affairs by developing practical skills and strategic thinking required to face 21st century challenges and opportunities, who strive for principled and open-minded perspectives, and who appreciate their own culture and that of others, and in doing so grow from their experience.