Early Years Foundation Stage
The EYFS curriculum is a broad and exciting framework that comprises seven main Areas of Learning. These are:
• Personal, social and emotional development (PSED)
• Communication and Language (CL)
• Physical development (PD)
• Literacy
• Mathematics
• Understanding the world (UTW)
• Expressive arts and design (EAD)
All learning is play-based and teachers observe this play carefully to enhance the learning whenever we spot a ‘teachable’ moment. From an untrained eye, it would appear that children spend all day playing! Yes, they do! Play is the fundamental process for children to learn. We take a child's natural curiosity to explore, couple this with a teacher's solid understanding of early child development, add the right amount of challenge and thought provoking questions and level of play and learning is deepened.
An example would be a child choosing to push a car down a slope. The teacher observing this may provide a range of ramps, of different surfaces and simply pose the question, ‘I wonder what will happen if you use these?’ Our staff constantly reflect and review the teaching curriculum and environment, ensuring that it is purposeful, inviting and provides a balance of adult-led and child-initiated learning.
Our stimulating environment, including a multisensory outdoor garden and green forest school area, enables the children to spend a large part of their day in the fresh air. The children are active, autonomous and free to follow their own interests using both the indoor classroom and outside learning area.
Each class has a dedicated day in the Forest School within our school grounds. From writing names using sticks and rocks, to planning and building a bug house whilst being taught to use real life tools, these sessions are fast becoming the highlight of the week. No session is complete without stories and hot chocolate amongst the trees. There is simply no better place to learn!